Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Livio Felluga Sharis Bianco Venezia Giulia. From one of the exceptional producers in the area

Livio Felluga Sharis Bianco Venezia Giulia (IGT) Sharis 2022, 13% ABV.

RRP €32.95. Stockists: Barnhill Stores, 64 Wine, Drink Store, Jus de Vine

from one of the exceptional producers in Friuli Venezia Giulia

This Chardonnay and Ribolla Gialla blend from Venezia Giulia, has a gold/yellow colour. Vibrant aromas are floral and fruity, quite intense, with hints of juniper and elderberry. Fresh with tropical fruit on the tangy palate. 

You may also notice the

almost creamy texture, which is down to some degree to the fact that the wine was kept on its lees for a few months to increase its complexity. Superbly balanced, long and persistent with mineral notes. Excellent as an aperitif, it goes very well with asparagus, vegetable soups, legume purées and marinated fish.

Winemaker Andrea Felluga, famed for his ‘Terre Alte’ blend,  embraces a forward-thinking approach, exemplified by his adoption of screwcap closures. After experimenting for five years, Andrea feels confident that screwcap is the right step for Livio Felluga’s wines, helping retain the freshness and perfume that set these wines apart from the crowd. The screwcap, while doing away with some of the formality, certainly leads to an easier opening.

This Sharis may not be as highly regarded as the Terre Alte but the same expertise goes into producing the freshest and easily drinkable products, “which are full of class and unparalleled style”. Sharis, from Chardonnay and Ribolla aged in steel only, for about six months on yeasts, is a stellar example. Very Highly Recommended.

According to Vino Italiano, this area is well known for its white blends, going so far as to call them “super whites”.  Ribolla Gialla is a white wine grape, with a centuries-long history, grown most prominently in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of northeast Italy.  Chardonnay began to emerge in the area in the 1960s and is now a key grape in white blends.

Livio Felluga himself, who died a few years back at the age of 102, is highly regarded and the firm is listed in VINO as one of the exceptional producers in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Livio is widely credited with helping revive not just the wine industry in his own area but in Italy generally. He was well regarded for his trademark style - crisp, clean, varietally expressive whites, according to Vino Italiano. The family firm has, for a long time,  been in the hands of his children, with the next generation also involved.

* This post is part of a series of Italian wines produced by usually small or medium-sized wineries that are organic and made from native grapes. Taking some “guidance” here from the recently published VINO. Mightn’t always net the hat trick but hope to score two from the three each time. I have quite a few lined up but I’m happy to consider any suggestions or help. #OrganicItaly

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