Friday, May 3, 2024

A red-gold rarity. This Kloster Sud from Germany is a very special beer! Drink of the Bank Holiday Weekend!

Drink of the Bank Holiday Weekend. Special…

Klosterbrauerei Weissenohe Kloster Sud 

5.4% ABV, 500ml bottle Bradleys 

A red-gold rarity

Amber to dark red is the colour of our beer from the Kloster Sud (the South monastery). Aromas of Lightly toasted malt aroma.  The expected malt sweetness is experienced on the palate. Indeed it is richly richly malty, with caramel and notes of light spice. It is straight-up refreshing, totally satisfactory right through to the lingering bitter-sweet finish. 

An amazing beer, this Kloster Sud is brewed according to the Märzenbier tradition. But don’t call it a lager or Märzen. It may be bottom-fermented like a lager but thanks to the rare so-called three-mash process and a long ageing process it has a distinctive character with a balanced malt sweetness, fruity acidity and a subtle tartness.. The brewery suggests it is suitable for strong roasts, steaks, smoked meats and even desserts.

It is full and soft and is called a Franconian Red (not to be confused with Belgian reds). This is a historical and renowned southern German style. If you like Märzen, you’ll probably like “red beer.”

Thought I might see Rothbier (German for Red Beer) on my label but the brewery, the Weisenoher Klosterbrauei, do have Spezial Bier on the neck and I can certainly agree with that.

It is a staff favourite in Bradleys and that is where I was tipped off about it. Danke Bradleys!

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